Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"Only a Life Lived for Others is a Life Worthwhile"

Life is so fragile. Just found out that one of my friend's Phil, his good friend, Alex Bain, passed away on Christmas morning. He was only 20. I think he accidently choked on something. As my friend, Allie, put it, we have to accept that God knows what's best, as hard as it is to accept. (which can be said for almost any circumstance in life) This just makes me think how you never know how much time you have left on this earth, only God knows. It gives a whole new meaning to the verse from Colossians 4:5, "Make the most of every opportunity," because you never know if it'll be your last. On Alex's facebook page he said that, "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." Also, he said, "I Love You....because I will never find a reason not to.....doesn't matter who you are....or what you did..." This speaks so much of Jesus' love for humanity-He loves everyone no matter who you are or what you did. And He'll never find a reason not to love you. If only we all could live like that, imagine how much more fulfilling life would be. That we would truly love people for just being children of God and we wouldn't look at reasons or excuses not to love them. But, we love people simply because they are God's creation, made in His image and created for a purpose. Whether we have twenty years or eighty years in this life, God has a specific plan and purpose for each and every person's life. Therefore, we need to stop sitting around and waiting for life to happen, we have to get up and make life happen. Every day is filled with new opportunities to touch someone's life, no matter how small or silly the thought or action may be. In a few years from now, or even a few weeks or days, we should look back on how we've lived and ask ourselves, "How have I lived for myself?" and then ask, "How have I lived for others?" and lastly, "How have I lived for Jesus?" Hopefully, there's a longer list for the last two questions if you've truly grasped the gospel message. Jesus came to this earth to serve and not to be served. He came to heal the sick, to cure the brokenhearted, to forgive sins. He lived a life that was completely selfless and was always caring and loving towards everyone the same, even the lowest of the low. What if we began to live like Jesus did? What if we were to seek the lost, talk to the outcast, care for those in need? As Jesus' followers, He calls us to live like Him and not waste our lives. I pray that He would use me and you for His glory and divine purpose. That we would try to understand what our purpose is and wholeheartedly go after it. I pray He would help me live a life for others because that's how Jesus lived His life. That I would not waste any opportunity I am given in life. So as for now, while I am still in this flesh and blood, I will serve others and Jesus the best way I know how, until I am reunited with my Savior for eternity.


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