Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jesus, all I have is You

"All I Have"

What have I in this life 
But the love in your eyes
This empty world will one day fade 
Only Your truth will remain

Jesus, all I have is You
You're the Hope I'm holding to
I might weep but still my faith rests in You
As the Heavens hold the skies
It's Your hand that holds my life
And Your love will lead me on 
When all else is gone

The lyrics to this one particular worship song have been the primary reoccuring theme for my summer.  I first heard it when my friend, Jenn, played it for me one night in June. Ever since, the words have stuck with me and seem to repeatedly and surprisingly fit perfectly into what I have been going through or learning. It has been a whirlwind of a summer to say the least. It has mainly been filled with various trips, including: young life camp, youth group trip to the Outer Banks, missions trip to Haiti, a wedding in Virginia, family trip to Cedar Point, and still to come...Niagra Falls and a trip to Iowa. Amid all these trips has been quite a few learning experiences. 

Firstly, this song talks about how this world is empty and temporary, whereas, the Truth of Jesus Christ is eternal and will always remain in your life. As I'm beginning to experience more and more, with having to say goodbye to close friends going off to college, the things of this world will never stay the same, things are constantly changing. We, as human beings, are not designed to do the same thing with the same people day in and day out. God created us to have relationships with different people at different points in our life. He also called us to preach His Word and spread the gospel, wherever we are. If we move, or go off to college, that is just one more missions field that we have the priveledge of reaching. I don't know about you, but I sometimes like things to stay the same, it's easier that way. But, this life is not meant to be easy. If it was, then why would we need a Savior? We need Jesus because we cannot get through life without Him. Therefore, we should want to know him because he wants to earnestly know us. Which requires time. And, I will confess, I am not the greatest at spending as much time as I would like with Jesus, but I am learning. I encourage to seek Him wholeheartedly and know that He is the only thing in life that will not fade away. 

The lyric, "And You're love will lead me on, when all else is gone," has been a big part of what I have been learning this summer. It is a great and demanding challenge. To trust that Jesus will lead me when everything else I've ever known is gone. Starting college, I am becoming for the first time really independent. But, in a way, since I am becoming independent in a physical sense, I need to become all the more dependent on the God of the universe to carry me through this new beginning of my life. I am starting to realize more and more that if I lose everything and am left with only Jesus, then that is enough. I am learning to find my greatest fulfillment in Jesus and not through other things, such as friendships, family, or temporary satisfactions. To be completely and wholeheartedly satisfied in Jesus is my goal and will continue to be my goal every single day until I see Him face to face.  
